September 10, 2013

rollercoaster ride...and news

Time has gotten away from me. We have been super busy as a family. Such is life though.

I took the last week of August off to spend time with the kids before school started and to prepare for Jack's baptism. In the LDS church you aren't baptized until you are at least 8 years old. Jack has been patiently waiting since January for this to happen.

On Monday of that week I was surprised by a visit from my younger brother. He was unable to come to our wedding because of school responsibilities, he was able to spend the week with us and get to know my wonderful family.My husband planned this with him, which is very sweet. :)

We went to the movies and saw Turbo, which is a great family friendly movie. The kids loved this, especially Emma. She kept saying how it was her first time at a movie theater. My brother and I took the kids to the zoo, lots of walking, and good times seeing the animals. The kids loved it and would have stayed longer, but I was exhausted. I think we spent a total of 4 1/2 hours walking around, probably close to 3 miles total. (It felt like that much at least.)

Then on Saturday of that week was Jack's baptism. We had lots of family over for it, which the kids loved. My sister, brother, and sister-in-law were all there with any kids that belong to them (8 total). My husbands family came and the kids mom even made an appearance. I'm glad she was able to come, even though being around her always puts me on edge. I'm still trying to figure that one out.

On top of all this, Matt worked the entire week, catching up and organizing things. He has been very busy and productive, which is very good for the business. :)

Then, we told the kids on Sunday on the way to church that we will be welcoming a new addition to the family some time next spring. Yep, I'm pregnant. I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all the changes that have happened in the past year. It has been crazy, but I'm very excited. It'll hit me once we hear the heartbeat and see a picture of the baby. The kids are excited, at least Emma is anyway, Jack and Eva haven't talked about it much. Emma keeps asking questions and talking about "The Baby".
*One of her questions was, "Does the baby wear a diaper in your belly?" I got to say "No" to that one. :)*