December 31, 2013

cold meals

Since taking the plunge into motherhood I have come to appreciate my own mom so much more. She raised 7 kids, I don't remember ever hearing her complain or grumble about how much time each child took or how little "me" time she got.

She selflessly made meals for 9 people, knowing that some of us wouldn't like it and would complain about it. She did laundry, cleaned the house, went grocery shopping, taught us, gave us baths and so much more. Somehow she still found the time to bake bread and cookies and other non essentials. Then after having some of her children marry and move out (I'm sure she celebrated a little bit) some of them moved back in, this time, with their own children. I have come back to my parents home after moving out, this has happened during times of great need and trial in my life. Never once during that time did my parents make me feel unwanted or unloved. All they wanted was for me to learn the lesson I needed to learn at that time, sometimes this took a while.

Sadly enough, I am not nearly as selfless as my mom. I grumble, sometimes I complain, I occasionally yell, and sometimes I wish I had a lot more "me" time. Many nights all I want is to eat a hot meal, without the kids constantly asking for something. All too often I take my frustrations with work or other things out on my family. Why do I do that? Why is it okay for me to yell at my kids because work didn't go as smoothly as I would have liked? Well, it's not. I am constantly reminded that I need to do better.

One thing I want to work on during 2014 is to strengthen my relationship with my kids and my husband. To be more patient and understanding with them. To not have unrealistic expectations for them. Along with that, I need to be more patient with myself. I am not perfect, nor will I ever be in this life. I make mistakes, my kids make mistakes, and that is okay. Now for the goal of eating a hot meal. :)

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