October 28, 2017

invest in yourself

Getting back into blogging has been on my mind a lot lately.
My brother surprised me for my birthday and we started talking about our dreams. I told him that my dream had always been to be a mom, and now that I am one, I don't really know what to look forward too. As I got to thinking about it, I realized that I really want to help people. I want to help others see the good they can do. I want to help others see how strong they are. I want to help others realize that they are not alone in their trials.
I don't have anything unique or extraordinary to share. I just want to share my experiences, and hopefully someone will be able to find strength or comfort through them.
I am also getting back into this for me. I feel like I have kind of lost myself amidst all the demands on me and my time. This will allow me to discover my interests and abilities again. It is hard being a mom, wife, employee and everything else that is going on. Many times the only thing I do for myself during the day is read. (Which I do far too much of. 😊) This will be my time for ME. I need to invest in myself to be a better wife and mom, so I'm going to start making deposits in myself starting now.

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