June 26, 2013

summer woes...oh me, oh my

Summer break...should be a fun time for a family.

My husband works full time (plus some...), I work full time (plus some...), we have 3 busy kids, then there is the housework, and the bills, and everything else. We have tried planning a vacation at least 3 times in the 3 months we have been married. First it was to Utah to see my brother and his family (that was vetoed because of the small car we have. 5 people in a 5 seater car for 12 hours did not sound enjoyable to either my husband or myself), then it was to Seattle to see my sister and her family (that was more a time/financial restraint), then to Medford to see my husbands Grandma (that is not going to happen because of issues at my work).

I feel bad for the kids, when I am home with them, I'm trying to get the housework done and plan meals and everything else. So my patience is not what it should be with them. They are SOOO patient with me though, no matter how many times I get frustrated and raise my voice, they always forgive me and love me no matter what.

We are trying to get Jack into Cub Scouts, he is very excited about it. Emma is more excited to start school in the fall than she is for Summer. Eva just goes along with each day. They are great kids, even though in many ways they try my patience, they remind me that there are more important things than work and making sure the floors are clean. Coloring with Emma, or reading books to them, watching Eva play with her princess dress, listening to Jack as he builds with Lego's and talks to himself...THAT is what matters. Those quiet moments when I can really see them for the cute little individuals that they are, and not just as "the kids".

Jack is such a big help to his dad. He will go out and work in the yard with him for hours without complaining. He loves to be the big brother and loves to spend time with his dad.

Emma is a smart beautiful little girl. She mimics me all the time, if I sit with my legs crossed, she will. If I do my hair a certain way, she wants hers done that way. She is a good reminder that I constantly need to watch what I say and do so that I continue to set a good example for her.

Eva is mischievous. She is incredibly smart. She loves to help me. If I am in the kitchen, she wants to help. If I am doing laundry, she wants to help. She will also follow me everywhere. (Which does get old.)

I guess my point with this post is that even if we don't get a "real" vacation, as long as I can remember, and help my husband remember the important things, then we will have a good Summer.

Here's hoping... :)

Here are some links that have good ideas for Summer activities; http://spoonful.com/summer

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