June 21, 2013

swimming with piranhas

The kids' mom came over yesterday for visitation. As soon as she drove up I got nervous. My hands were shaking, my heart was beating fast and my appetite went away. My husband went out and said hello. When he told her that I was there, she refused to walk through the house to the back yard. I don't mind her not coming through the house, but where did she think I was going to be? It's my house.

As soon as Eva saw her she yelled "Mommy!" and ran outside. This hurt a lot more than I thought it would. She refused to come in when the kids ate dinner, so we cycled through them by doing one on one time. I will admit that I eavesdropped on her conversations with the kids. Matt spent most of the visit outside with her and the kids. I wasn't going to force my presence on her, knowing that she doesn't want to be around me, so I stayed inside.

I was going to meet her though. I've been taking care of her kids for 4 months! Any sane mother would have insisted on meeting the new wife as soon as possible...which just goes to show that she's not sane.

At the end of her visit she came in and introduced herself. She tried to make small talk, and said she wants to go to lunch, or at least spend an hour together, to get to know each other. The only thing I could think of is that I would rather swim with piranhas...and I don't swim.

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