May 29, 2013

children's clothes

When Emma outgrows clothes, they're passed on to Eva. I think this is fairly normal. So...Eva has a TON of clothes.
I finally went through her dresser tonight, needless to say I have a fairly good sized pile that Eva has outgrown. Those will be going to my niece. 
Emma has sometimes felt upset because Eva gets her stuff. I've had to tell her that she gets new clothes whereas Eva usually only gets hand-me-downs. A couple times Emma and I have gone shopping together. I'm also trying to help her understand that we need to take care of our things. So she's slowly been earning her new clothes as she shows me she can be more responsible. 
The more time I spend with my three beautiful, crazy, wonderful rascals, the more I learn about myself. It's definitely something I can't do on my own. I'm constantly reminded to either turn to the scriptures or pray. The Lord has been my greatest strength through this transition. Even a strength in something as "mundane" as sorting children's clothes. :)

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