May 30, 2013

guilty as charged

My friend shared this article on Facebook, and when I read it, I felt like I needed to share it here. Click the link to read it. To Parents of Small Children: Let Me Be the One Who Says It Out Loud

After reading this article...I felt like I needed to confess some things I do. :)

Sometimes (meaning at least once a week) I pretend I'm asleep when I don't want the kids to bother me.

Sometimes I yell.

Sometimes I ignore them.

Sometimes I cry when I apologize for losing my temper with them.

Sometimes (meaning very rarely) I miss the alone time I was able to have when I was single. But then I get to hear Eva and Emma laugh together, or hear how Jack's day was at school...then those moments usually go away.

I am still learning, and this is okay.

I have heard many times how "amazing" I am, and how much good I'm doing for the kids by getting married to my husband and stepping into their lives. News Flash...I don't feel amazing most of the time, nor do I feel like I'm doing any good. Many times I am thinking of that morning when I snapped at Emma for not eating fast enough (why does that stress me out?) or when I got frustrated with Eva for changing her pants...for the 3rd time that day. 

This morning I took Jack to school. He needed to be at school by 7:45, I needed to be at work by 8:00. (We left the house at 7:30, I live 30 mins from work...with good traffic.) Traffic in Portland at 7:30 on a Thursday is not "good" I was 30 mins late to work, good thing I'm the boss. :) I caught myself thinking, "I can't do that again, why did I insist on getting the girls ready this morning too?" I was able to stop that train of thought and switch too, "I now have the memory of combing their hair, letting all three of them eat breakfast together on a regular basis, remembering how smart they are when they repeat back what I've asked them to do after breakfast..." That list could go on and on. I love these kids. Sometimes I need to just take a step back and remember that I love them.

1 comment:

  1. Katie ~
    The average mom gets to welcome 1 child at a time into their family and you are blessed to start with 3 :)
    Keep doing what you are doing because the kids do notice a difference. Keep your chin up, pray, and give hugs and kisses; accept hugs and kisses too! Take time to read a book and eat some chocolate (even if it's only for 10 minutes in the bathroom with the door locked behind you!!)
    I love you and my kids loving having new cousins.
