May 27, 2013

fevers and dinner and nap-time...oh my!

It all started last Wednesday, when the kids were supposed to be at their aunts...but they decided to get sick instead. Thursday morning they were fine, no fever, Jack still wasn't eating quite as much as he normally does, but nothing to worry about. Thursday I kept them inside all day (it was raining cats and dogs anyway). Friday Jack was still moving a little slower and his appetite still hadn't returned to full force yet. Saturday dawned and it wasn't raining! We spent the day outside working in the yard as a family. I was happy, Jack was his normal self, the kids were having fun, they were outside. And then Sunday came. We got the kids ready for church, went to all our classes, came home and Eva wasn't feeling well. Took her temperature after lunch and it was 101, she also had no appetite. We gave her some Tylenol, I cuddled with her, made sure she was drinking a lot of water. Matt talked with the kids' aunt and her little girl has been sick all week/weekend. At first they thought it was chicken pox but now they think it's hand, foot, and mouth disease. (I didn't even know what this was until I looked it up last night on Google...thank goodness for the Internet.) I looked up the symptoms...and it fits what Eva has. So we're now keeping an eye on her.

This week the kids have not eaten like they normally do. Usually they scarf down whatever you put in front of them. One day for breakfast I made scrambled eggs with cheese and hash browns with can never have enough cheese in our house. They barely touched their hash browns! Another day I made sloppy joes for c'mon, what kid doesn't like a messy meal? Evidently Emma and Eva don't. (Frankly, I got a little tired of hearing the whining about food, so they ended up eating sloppy joes for breakfast the next day.) I know understand to a small degree how my mom felt with 7 kids at home.

Nap time...I never took naps before I got married. Now all I want to do is sleep. From Thursday to Sunday this week I have tried to take one. I am one of those people who have a hard time sleeping during the day, so usually I was "resting my eyes" (I've never understood that term by the way). Well...when the girls would come in to "check" on me, I admit that I pretended to be asleep. But Sunday I was actually able to fall asleep for an hour! And then...I couldn't fall asleep until 1 am, when, of course, I had to be up getting ready for work at 5 am.

Parenting can be a vicious cycle sometimes. I'm just grateful my mom put up with me!

Here's to a new week!

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