July 9, 2013

bedtime stories

Do parents ever catch up on sleep? I feel like I'm ALWAYS tired. Even if I get a full 8 hours of sleep for an entire week, I'm exhausted by noon.

Eva is usually the first one up, and will come into our room saying "Good Morning!" She has yet to understand the meaning of the word "quiet" and will quite often run around the house screaming at 6:30 in the morning. Neither myself nor my husband are morning people. When I open at work I wake up at 5:30am. Not my idea of fun.

And then there's the struggle of actually getting the kids to go to sleep. No matter how many times I ask them if they need to go to the bathroom, or if they need a drink, they still come out. Maybe you've experienced this;
1. I need a drink.
2. I need to go to the bathroom.
3. I need to tell you something.
4. I want a hug/kiss.
5. I can't sleep. (Yes...I've had them say this. It sounds insensitive to say "no duh" to a 5 year old. Even though sometimes I think it...)
6. I want a song/story.
7. I'm scared of the dark.
8. It's too cold/hot.
I could go on, they have a never ending supply of reasons why they shouldn't be sleeping.

Last night Eva fell asleep first, which is unusual. She is usually the one that comes out multiple times. Last night it was Emma's turn for that. Around the 4th time she came out, she was crying, saying that she couldn't sleep. I told her to go lay down on her bed and think of her favorite church songs, or a favorite princess, or a favorite story. That finally worked and she fell asleep.

Then there's the positions they sleep in. Eva will fall asleep with her face in her pillow, her knees under her with her butt in the air. (I for one don't know how that can be comfortable.) Emma sprawls all over the bed, she practically sleeps spread eagle. Jack usually sleeps on his stomach, usually with his head hanging off the bed.

Even with the lack of sleep, they make me smile. Some days it happens more than others though. :)

If you are looking for a good book to read to your kids (or to entertain yourself) here is a great blog post that lists popular books for specific ages. Snogging on Sunday - Professor Says

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