July 5, 2013

happy birthday america!

Yesterday was the 4th of July/Independence Day/America's Birthday.

It was a wonderful day spent with my family. The weather was beautiful, not too hot or cold. The kids got to play outside, watched The Sandlot (an American favorite), ate lots of food. A good time was had by all.
The kids right after getting dressed...before the festivities!
 My husband is on the board of directors for a nonprofit organization called SHEDCo. They are based in Saint Helens, OR and are primarily focused on improving the economy. He was able to help out with their first annual 4th of July Festival that they organized and sponsored yesterday. They had a pancake breakfast, raising of the flag, the National Guard was present, vintage cars, face painters, balloon artiste's, vendors, bands. It was very nicely put together for the first one. He participated in that in the morning and when he came home before lunch time, I was making cookies and getting things ready for our dinner that night.

His sister came over around lunch time, the kids were ecstatic! They love seeing their Aunt Meghan! She is a lot of fun and I'm very glad that she and I get along and have fun together. She did puzzles with the kids, read to them, watched a movie with them, and helped us out when we went to the 4th of July Festival.

First we went to the balloon artiste's. (Which were free!) Jack wanted a pirate hat and sword, Emma wanted flowers, and Eva wanted a princess crown.
Captain Jack

Flower girl Emma

Princess Eva

 After getting balloons for the kids we walked around and looked at the vendors. The kids were great! The did such a good job with walking and the sun (even though it wasn't too warm out) and all the people. They stayed close to their Dad, me or Aunt Meghan the whole time. They got to play at the playground, and eat kettle corn and share an elephant ear. (If you ask for my opinion the food is the best part of these things!)

After spending about 2 1/2 hours at the Festival we went home. Uncle Matt showed up just in time for dinner. We had so much food! hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad, jello, and then pie and ice cream for dessert. We watched The Sandlot afterwards and then lit off fireworks. We didn't have an impressive show, but the kids were amazed just the same. They had that star struck look in their eyes. It was great to see and be a part of. When that was done and we were heading inside to go to bed, Eva yelled, "Happy Birthday America!" I love my little girl. :)

I LOVE my family. I'm grateful to be blessed to live in a country where I can have a family, where I can raise my kids how I see fit. Where I can teach them about God, and truth, right and wrong, freedom, religion, and so many other things. I believe that the founding fathers of this country were inspired by God. Our paper currency says, "In God we trust" on it. I grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school. I was raised knowing that I lived in a blessed country. I am thankful for the men and women who have fought, and continue to fight, so that other people might enjoy the freedoms I enjoy on a daily basis. I am PROUD to be an American!

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