July 14, 2013

the funny side of motherhood

We all have those days where we want to lock ourselves in the bathroom with a truck load of chocolate. (I hope it's not just me..) But we also have those days where we remember that "kids say the funniest things".

Last Tuesday Jack woke up and I told him he could watch a movie while I got breakfast ready. I heard the girls' door open and saw Emma coming out. I went over and asked her what she wanted. (I'll be the first to admit that I tease my kids sometimes.) She said that she wanted to watch the movie with Jack. I asked her who told her that Jack was watching a movie and she says, "My brain." I couldn't help but laugh, she said it with such a straight face and it was so sincere. Needless to say she came out and watched the movie.

Last Friday I had just gotten home from work and was starting dinner. The kids were supposed to be cleaning up their toys outside. I went out there to see how they were doing when I noticed a small spiderweb on the deck railing. I called the kids over and pointed it out to them. I wanted them to appreciate the beauty of it while also respecting the work that was put in to it. (That may sound silly to some people...but oh well. I only have that respect for bugs when they're outside. Once they enter my house, their minutes are numbered.) When we headed inside a few minutes later Eva was standing by the spiderweb looking at it. I called her in and she said to the spider, "Bye spider, see you 'morrow!" It was cute.

And then there's Jack. He is a quite boy, who also spends a lot of time playing by himself because, let's face it, what 8 year old wants to play with his 5 and 3 year old sisters? Yesterday we were in the car and somehow we started talking about evil laughs. I look back at Jack and he lets out this maniacal laugh. I'm not sure if I should be comforted by that or worried.

Kids are funny. They do, say, think, and act silly. For instance, today at church Eva shook her Dad's hand before leaving for class. So very random, but so very cute.

If you're looking for more funny or inspirational stories, check out these blogs:

Try to look on the bright side...and see the humor in the crazy-hair pulling-oatmeal covered moments. :)

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