July 19, 2013

families are forever

I have a 30-45 minute commute to work, 5 days a week. This means I have a lot of time to think, listen to the radio, or listen to audio books. Lately I have been doing the latter. I LOVE books, which makes sense since I manage a bookstore. :) I read all genre's, but I love mystery and suspense. Some of these books involve situations where a child is kidnapped, or someone is murdered.

This has caused me to think a little bit more about my family and what/how much they mean to me. I love my husband; he is a good man who works hard and protects his family. And even though the kids that I call mine are not ones that I gave birth to, I love them more than anything else in my life.

I was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I was taught as a child that families can be together forever, not just "until death do us part". This happens in temples that are all over the world. My husband and I are waiting to be sealed in the temple until we can have all three kids there with us.
This temple in Portland, OR is 5 minutes from my store.

Knowing that I and my family are working towards this goal of an eternal family helps me, but it also causes me to think about the choices I make. I need to make sure I make choices that will keep me and my family safe.

My parents were sealed in the Salt Lake City, UT temple. I will forever be connected to my parents and my siblings, my nieces and nephews and the rest of my family. That knowledge offers comfort and strength to help me get through each day. Life is hard, and scary and it can end in a moment. If something were to happen to one of my family members I KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I would see them again.

I love my family with all my heart. Jack, Emma, Eva and my husband are my world. They push me to do better and be better. They motivate me to work 10 hours a day at work and come home to make dinner, do laundry, clean and everything else that needs to be done. I do all of that because I love them.

If you would like to know more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints you can visit one of the following links:

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